Amazing pictures created by a Japanese artist using his fingers on an ipod touch
A japanese artist creates amazing paintings, drawings, sketches on his ipod touch using art painting/drawing application and his finger tips.
The artist's name is Seikou Yamaoka, he paints with water colors and oil paints when he is not using his ipod.
He makes beautiful portraits of people- men, women, little children and celebrities.
His kid's paintings in water color are sweet, colorful and adorable. This artist has a truly special touch.
Watch this ipod touch woman drawing/ finger painting video
picture: little girl water color painting by a japanese artist Atelier Seikou
posted: apple ipod touch finger paintings digital pictures drawings sketching Seikou Yamaoka japanese artist Atelier Seikou water color oil paintings people men women children kids celebrities talent awesome amazing skills 92QV8KTQK2JJ