
A Day of Peace on Facebook Are you attending? Great Event

... for a day of peace. Wouldn't it be amazing?
Just one day in the year where we all held our tongues.
A day where we ignored others' shortcomings and made a valiant effort to be kind and understanding.
...A day where we all got along. It's sad that we are all at a point where we should do this, but it's even sadder to know that we easily could every day, but refuse to do so.
So on this day of peace...

peace day event facebook march 4 2011 2012 event drawing bird hand fingers leaves
facebook peace day event drawing. bird and hand.

On this day we all stick to three simple rules that will make the world a little bit more bearable. Feel free to partake in this before and long after then; the only reason I have the event set that far into the future is because I want word to spread and allow this to have as big of an impact as possible.
This event is to take place everywhere we go in the world, preferably all the time.

Rule #1.
Say not a single unkind thing about anyone or anything. If at all possible, try not to even think a nasty thought. If we do, reflect on why it was that we thought to say it in the first place.

Rule #2.
Show everyone we cross paths with some genuine human compassion. Be it with a smile or kind words, just spread some love.

Rule #3.
Make not one person the exception to the rule. Not everyone deserves to have roses thrown at their feet and have a holiday in their honor, but nobody deserves to feel alone. Reach out. Talk to someone new. Care about them, and we will be cared for in return.

To join A day of peace event go here

Facebook cartoon profile pictures strange popular campaign
helps to raise awareness about Worldwide Violence Against Children and Child Abuse.

cow boobs chicken grass cartoon funny drawing facebook character

in this post:event facebook peace good friends friendship love fun social networking march 4 2011 2012 day of peace great event drawing with bird hand fingers hearts leaves butterfly

1 comment:

  1. What a noble motive this was! I participated in the event and I think we should have more such events.
